What Is The Bible?

Aug 12, 2023    David Klingler

Ever felt overwhelmed trying to decipher the complexities of the Bible? Ever found yourself clinging onto verses you understand and ignoring the rest? It's time to flip that script. We're inviting you to join us on a transformative journey through the sacred scriptures, reading it less like a religious text and more like a novel. Immerse yourself in the unified, intricate narrative that flows from Genesis to Revelation, treating the 66 books as individual chapters contributing to an overarching plot.

This is not your typical Bible study. Expect to engage with the story, learning about God and humanity along the way. You'll begin to unravel the fundamental role of Jesus Christ as the answer to the Bible's central problem and its relevance to your personal life. By the end of the year, you'll not only know the Bible better, you'll understand it in a way you never have before.