The Story Of The Bible In One Session.

Aug 12, 2023    David Klingler

We promise that after watching this video, you’ll see the story of the Bible in a whole new light. We begin with the creation of heaven and earth. Then God creates Adam and Eve to act as image-bearers, to rule over creation by valuing what God values and by acting on His behalf. But the serpent deceives them and they rebel against God by doing what was right in their own eyes. This rebellion is the problem that drives the rest of the story. There will now be enmity (conflict) between the seed of the woman (those who desire what the woman desires) and the seed of the serpent (those who desire what the serpent desires). We’ll watch this enmity play out through each scene of the story.

Thankfully, God is sovereign and has a plan to fix the problem. In Genesis 3:15 He promises to send a true Image-Bearer that will one day crush the serpent and restore the order that He originally set up in the garden. So beginning in Genesis, the whole story of the Bible is looking for this Promised One to come on the scene and fix the mess. Each time a character shows up in the Old Testament, we should be wondering, “Is this the One?”

By the end of this video we hope you will see the Bible as a single, unified story—a story that is inviting and compelling and one in which YOU have a special place. Stay tuned to hear about the Bible in a Year plan that will guide you through the entire Bible in 52 sessions via our podcast. So strap in, hang on, and click play.