Our Approach

Aug 12, 2023    David Klingler

Have you heard these words?… “If you just have the right heart attitude, you’ll be able to understand the Bible.” Or “Just pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you, then the Bible will make sense.”

But no matter your attitude and no matter how much you pray, the Bible remains a challenge to understand. We get it. We’ve been there too.

Well, let us give you some great news…the Bible can be plainly read and easily understood! Here at Teach Me The Bible, we offer a simple approach to this extraordinary book. You’ll find yourself saying, “How come I’ve never heard this before? This makes so much sense!”

So settle in and buckle up because this is going to be an exciting ride!

Dr. David Klingler will be our guide. He has been a seminary professor for almost 20 years. He’s taught Greek and Hebrew. His PhD is in the Old Testament. But he started out just like one of us…frustrated and confused about how to understand the Bible. He explains more in this video.