What Is The Best Translation Or Version?

Aug 12, 2023    David Klingler

“What Bible translation should I use?” “Is one better than another?” “How can I trust that the Bible was translated correctly?” Have you ever wondered these things? Most of us have.

In the video, we navigate through the maze of different Bible translations, comparing strengths and weaknesses. The best translation often depends on the verse in question. We also aim to help you appreciate the richness of the Bible in its original languages—reading in the original language is likened to watching a movie in full color and surround sound as opposed to black and white with one speaker.

Tune into the video as Dr. Klingler unravels the complex process of translating Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic into other languages. And hear why no single translation is perfect. Each translation, an interpretation in itself, comes with its own set of challenges.