How Do I Read The Bible?

Aug 12, 2023    David Klingler

Ready to pick up some speed on this journey? It’s about to get good. This video takes you through the chronological narrative from Genesis to Revelation. We challenge the common method of hopping between books and chapters arguing that it can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. Instead, we advocate for reading the Bible as a continuous, unified story. Start at the beginning (Genesis), move through the middle, and follow through to the end (Revelation). You wouldn’t read a novel out of sequence, so why would you do that with the Bible?

We explore how each book serves as a stepping stone to the next, building a grand narrative. We focus on the importance of God’s chosen people, Israel, and how their story ties into the overarching narrative. We discuss how the Old Testament serves as a backbone, providing context for the New Testament gospels and epistles. And we emphasize again how critical it is to read the Bible just like you would a story, from beginning to end. Click play and get ready to roll.