The Book Of Jude

Nov 30, 2023    David Klingler

What if we told you that your faith is under attack by unseen infiltrators? Welcome back to our sacred space, where Dr David Klingler and I traverse the forceful scripture of Jude, highlighting the pivotal call to defend our faith. Discover the authority bestowed upon us from the apostles, and the catastrophe that ensues when we disregard this sacred trust. Understand the perilous tactics of false teachers, who distort divine grace through dreams and visions.

Dive into the second half of our enlightening journey where we delve deeper into maintaining our spiritual fortitude. Jude encourages us to remain blameless and constantly immersed in God's love, a stern warning against those creating a 'self-modelled' God. Listen as we uncover the vile disregard for the teachings of the apostles and prophets. This episode serves as a prelude to our upcoming dissection of the book of Revelation, readying you to elevate your understanding and fortify your faith. Prepare to be enlightened!