The Book Of Philippians

Aug 17, 2023    David Klingler

Ready for a deep dive into the New Testament? We, Alex Wolfe and Dr David Klingler, unveil the richness of Philippians, dissecting the relevance of reading the Bible from start to finish. We'll reveal the steep challenges faced by Paul and Timothy as they tackled a pagan theology potentially derailing the Philippians from the gospel. Here's a sneak peek - the story involves saintly interventions, overseers, deacons, and a mysterious situation involving Sintiqi and Yudhia. 

Strap in as we traverse sanctification, bearing the burdens of the Gospel, and the immense value of contextual understanding of Bible verses. We'll delve into Paul's imprisonment, his hopes for the Philippians, and the surprising silver lining - the furtherance of the Gospel. Ever heard about suffering for Christ? Find out how bearing collective pain can cultivate a deeper understanding of doing “all things” in Christ and the intriguing concept of being 'in Christ'. We can't wait to unpick Paul's profound words, “the things which you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, these things practice, and the God of peace will be with you”.